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- L O T T O C A S H
- by Robert B. Cook
- Several months ago on Diskworld, Softdisk's Macintosh magazine, we
- published a major, full-featured lottery program. It allowed the user to
- simulate a real lottery, inputting favorite numbers and running it hundreds,
- thousands, even millions of times. The program showed quite graphically and
- elegantly just how small the odds are of winning a lottery. The subscribers
- hated it.
- We're not going to make the same mistake on LOADSTAR 128. Bob Cook's
- LOTTO CASH is not graphic and is only elegant in a programming sense, but it
- shows you which numbers you should pick in order to win HUGE JACKPOTS!!!
- This program works on the premise that you really can win the lottery.
- What is LOTTO? LOTTO is a gambling game that is becoming more and more
- popular (and legal) in some of the states. Here's how a typical lotto
- works. Six numbers between 1 and, say, 50 are picked by the player and
- printed on a ticket, which generally costs a dollar. Then, on Saturday
- night, six numbers are chosen at random in a televised drawing. Anyone who
- exactly matches the six televised numbers wins the lottery, which may be
- worth millions.
- LOTTO CASH is a small database that allows you to enter the winning
- numbers every time the lottery is held. Then you can sort these results and
- find which numbers occur most often. The theory is that the randomizing
- method used by the lottery (ping pong balls in a rotating drum, or whatever)
- is not perfect and some numbers are "better" than others. Some people
- believe that even if the method is truly PHYSICALLY random, some numbers are
- METAPHYSICALLY better than others.
- If either is true, then this program will genuinely help you increase
- your odds of winning the lottery.
- Most states start out with one LOTTO game but then branch out into
- several different games as time goes by. LOTTO CASH lets you keep stats on
- as many as eight different lotteries.
- If you run LOTTO CASH and receive the message 'File not found on disk',
- don't worry. This only indicates that you have no lotto file saved on the
- current disk, yet. LOTTO CASH should work on any drive.
- The main menu holds the names of up to eight lotto games. You enter the
- names of the lottos by moving the highlight bar to 'Quit/Save/Revise' on the
- menu and pressing RETURN. Then select REVISE MENU by pressing 'R'. Move
- the highlight bar to the category name you wish to edit and select it by
- pressing RETURN. Enter the new lottery name and press RETURN. The new
- lottery name(s) will be preserved when you save your lotto file.
- Using the CRSR keys, move the highlight bar to the game of your choice
- on the menu and select it by pressing RETURN.
- Before we get into the instructions let me explain the terms used in
- reference to the lottery numbers. PICKS are the individual numbers in a
- lottery number. A PLAY or NUMBER is the complete lottery number.
- Before you can enter numbers for a particular game you have to tell the
- computer a little about the game. You are prompted for:
- The number of picks per play (between 1 and 9),
- The number of plays per week, (between 1 and 7),
- The total number of weeks of entries (between 1 and 52),
- Whether the picks can "repeat" or not, (default is No),
- and if not, the highest number allowed (between 9 and 99).
- You CANNOT add more plays later, so if you plan to keep tabs on a particular
- lottery for a whole year, be sure to enter 52 for the "number of weeks". In
- some lotteries it is possible for a pick to be duplicated (as the fives are
- in 5 0 5 8). If the lottery works this way, then enter Y at the "repeat"
- prompt. The highest number allowed will automatically be set to 9.
- The easiest way to enter numbers is to use the number pad, since you
- MUST use the tall ENTER key on the keypad to move to the next pick. After
- all the picks in each play have been entered press RETURN to enter the
- complete number into memory.
- Use the CRSR keys to scan the numbers for the ones that you wish to
- edit, then press RETURN to edit a number. Use DEL to delete one or more
- numbers.
- Sort is used to find the picks that occur the most times in a list of
- numbers. If picks repeat, then the top three numbers in each pick position
- are found. Otherwise the top ten picks are found.
- You can choose to find the most common occurences of picks in every
- number or in every 2nd through 7th number. You may also start the sort at
- any point in the list. The object of having numerous ways of sorting
- numbers is to allow you to find patterns which will produce winning numbers.
- Before entering numbers for a day or week try to find a sort that will
- closely match the numbers that you are going to enter.
- For a quick printout without all the explanations press 'Q' after each
- sort.
- This displays all of the possible combinations of picks in sorted
- numbers. If picks repeat, then all combinations for the first two positions
- are found. Otherwise you can find combinations for up to ten picks.
- You may print a list of all the numbers you have entered for a
- particular game or you may print the top picks.
- You can send control codes to your printer by pressing 'C'. This
- allows you to do things like underline, print in italics or condensed mode,
- or change margins. Enter each code as a number from 1 to 255 or as a letter
- from a to z, lower case only, then press RETURN to send it to the printer.
- Exit by pressing the ESCape key. Your printer manual will tell you what the
- control codes are for your printer.
- Choosing 'Quit/Save/Revise' and then pressing 'S' will save the card
- file as LOTTERIES and also create a back-up file, LOTTERIES.BAK. If, for
- some reason, the LOTTERIES file cannot be read, scratch the LOTTERIES file
- and rename the LOTTERIES.BAK file to LOTTERIES.
- If you attempt to quit the program without saving your edited card file
- you'll be asked if you want to save first. If there is a LOADSTAR 128 disk
- in drive 8, it will be booted.
- Louisiana started a state lottery about six months ago and so far the
- programmers here at the LOADSTAR Tower have spent twenty or thirty dollars,
- trying to win the big one. Now that we have LOTTO CASH, our chances are
- probably doubled or tripled. Let's wish all of us LOTTO LUCK!
- FT
- **** R - Run RETURN - Menu ****